1. What do you think of the 2016 Cupertino Bike Plan?

A good start, but some errors and omissions.

For example, the wrong map is used in figure 1-1, the up to date map is in Appendix B of the Cupertino General Plan Amendment on page 245 of http://www.cupertinogpa.org/files/managed/Document/601/I%20-%20Addendum%20dated%20October%201,%202015%20(1).pdf which replaces the old map that you are using.

2. The Plan’s Tier I projects total $15M. Do you support funding these projects over the next 5 years?


3. How do you rate Bike/Ped improvements versus street improvements/maintenance?

In many cases there are small improvements that are not costly to implement, but in general I favor bicycle improvements over street improvements. On the other hand, we need to teach people how to ride properly in the street, so street maintenance is important. We need to get cyclists off the sidewalks and explain how dangerous this is.

I have been in contact with the Director of Public Works on several occasions regarding bicycle improvements. These include changing the “No Parking” signs to “No Stopping Signs” near schools, to prevent people from waiting in their cars in the bicycle lane, and changing curb markings and signage that was unclear and that caused vehicles to park in bicycle lanes.

Parking and stopping in bicycle lanes is a very big issue. Bicycle lanes are being treated like loading zones, places to stop to make phone calls, places for deputies to write tickets, and places for where people park to pick up and drop off passengers.

4. If residents oppose specific plan enhancements in their neighborhood, will you still support the bike plan’s features and intents?

Yes. It is unfair for residents, who don’t own the streets on which their homes are located, to be able to prevent improvements that benefit everyone. We had this in my neighborhood, where residents opposed a creekside trail near the library.

5. As a council member, what would you do to increase bike use for recreation and the community?

I would try to increase transportational cycling by having secure parking at places like the library. Businesses should be encouraged to also supply quality, secure, bicycle racks. Recreational cycling is less of an issue than getting people out of their vehicles for short trips around town.

I would also like to see a big effort made to get bicycle lights to residents, since way too many children and adults are riding without lights in the early morning and at night.

a. Would you be willing to advocate for a trail along the UPRR tracks and/or on water district lands?

Is this the Lehigh Cement tracks. I have long advocated for a trail there, but the landowner has been adamantly against it. I was upset that Apple was able to eliminate a trail that would run near their campus along a creek.

b. Would you be willing to budget funds to acquire right-of-ways for more trails in Cupertino?


6. Your closing comments.

I’ve been working for bicycle safety in Cupertino ever since I moved here in 2000. My wife and I cycle to work when possible. My kids rode bikes to school when they were younger. I fix kid’s (and adult’s) bicycles in my neighborhood.

The lack of safe routes to many schools is a big issue to me. The other issue is enforcement of traffic laws. Serial red light running by motorists endangers cyclists. We need more enforcement. I’d also like to see cyclists be able to treat stop signs as yield signs, but this is unlikely to ever happen.