There’s a lot of projects in the works for Cupertino, from Class I Trails to Class IV bike lanes. Some have been funded through the design phase and some all the way to construction including most recently this month when the Cupertino City Council decided to approve the Feasibility Study for the Carmen Road Bridge. Here’s an update on where your ‘favorite’ project may be in the process, and whether it has been funded or not. (Click on the table to see it in a larger size.)

At specific intervals, the City Council approves funding and approves moving the project forward to the next phase. It isn’t a foregone conclusion that these projects will be approved. Only through resident support does the City Council vote to start or continue work. Naturally, the more active and vocal the support, the more likely the project will go forward. 

Costs are from documents created by the City Staff for the City Council in August 2019, and from updates from the City Staff in October 2019. Projects have been summarized for easier reading, with numbers rounded. For more information on Cupertino’s bicycle and pedestrian projects and how Walk-Bike Cupertino has worked to make these projects a reality, see our Projects page here.

The information in this post is solely the opinion of the author and Walk-Bike Cupertino, and does not reflect the opinions of any other organization or entity, including the City of Cupertino.